Character & Citizenship Education
Character & Citizenship Education
CCE aims to develop students’ character in three aspects, performance, ethics and service. CCE plays a central role in providing the curriculum foundation of nurturing good values, socio-emotional skills and citizenship competencies.
The guiding principles for the CCE curriculum are as follows:
1. Prepare Students for Citizenship
Character development is citizenship in action.
Good habits of mind and heart compatible with civic responsibilities - necessary for good citizenship to thrive.
Develop the habit of thinking and reflecting for the purpose of common good.
2. Develop Leaders with Compassion for Service
Uphold belief that every student can be a servant leader
Empower students to be a positive influence to others
3. Adopt a Future-Oriented Focus
Prepare and equip students for workforce, and future living
Emphasis on building strength of character
Character & Citizenship Education Department
Head of Department | Mr Lawrence Koh |
Subject Head | Ms Lynn Quan |
CCE Curriculum
CCE includes areas such as Educational Career Guidance, Sexuality Education, Cyberwellness, National Education, Mental Health, Family Education, and other Values-Related experiences.
Supporting the curriculum are the teachers as well as appointed class leaders such as the Peer Support Leaders, National Education Ambassadors and Cyberwellness ambassadors.

Students receiving training, and leading values-based class discussions on various issues
Education and Career Guidance
The ECG experience aims at equipping students to remain competitive in the global economy and above all, to lead meaningful and productive lives in continual service towards God and society by practicing moral work ethics, and performing to the best of one’s ability. The HIHS continual emphasis is on making decisions guided by the school values.
The HIHS ECG curriculum include sharing sessions by industry practitioners and post-secondary educational institutions; work experiences/attachments with industry partners; learning journeys to various industries, ECG MOE and school-based lessons, and counselling.

Exploring career options @ Lifelong learning insitute
The Cyberwellness programmes aims to guide students in taking responsibility for their own well-being in cyberspace. The three principles, ‘Respect for Self and Others’, ‘Safe and Responsible Use’ and ‘Positive Peer Influence’ when adhered to will help our students in cyberspace as they will then be able to make careful and well-considered decisions. The HIHS continual emphasis is on making decisions guided by the school values.
The Cyberwellness curriculum include lessons and learning experiences including roadshows and assembly programmes on cyber well-being, Cyberwellness advocacy movement by students, and customised training to equip our students with the necessary skills to adopt healthy cyber habits.
Cyberwellness Advocacy

National Education
National Education plays an important role in the school’s overall CCE efforts. Besides commemorating the four NE events, students have the opportunity to learn about various cultures and religions through learning journeys, assembly programmes, and customised activities held as part of the formal CCE curriculum. In the process, they also deepen their understanding of the role they play as active citizens in Singapore.