SEN & Counselling
SEN & Counselling
To develop competent educators, enabling and believing in students to optimise potential & pursue productive and meaningful life.
Inclusive Culture, Inclusive Education, Opportunities for All
SEN & Counselling Team
Head of Department (HOD SEN) |
Mrs Koh Yilin Sheryl |
Senior School Counsellor (Senior SC) |
Mr Seng Wei Jian Justin |
Senior SEN Officer (Senior SENO) |
Ms Yeo Gek Cheng Anna |
SEN Officer (SENO) |
Ms Priyaloshini D/O Subramaniam |
School Counsellor (SC) |
Ms Puvana Devi Murugesan R |
Flexi-adjunct School Counsellor (FAJ SC) |
Ms Tay Su Min Brenda |
Teacher Counsellor (TC) |
Mdm Lau May Tong |
Ms Perng Jia Wei |
Mr Tan Chai Soon Jarrod |
Teacher trained in Special Needs (TSN) |
Mrs May Tan-Yeong May Kit |
Principles of SEN Support (WISDOM)
Work towards independence
Intervene based on needs, not diagnosis
Strive for equity, aim to be inclusive
Document student profile and support plans
Organise a community around the child
Monitor progress regularly

Intervention & Programmes
Wellbeing talks and workshops
Peer support Leaders training workshops
Social Support Group (SSG) sessions
Parenting talks and workshops
Circle of Friends (peer support intervention)
Facing Your Fears (group intervention programme)